Brody and Brooke

Brody and Brooke


How in the hell.....

Brody has always went to bed like an angel..…we've never had to rock him to sleep then tip toe to his bed nor have we ever had to sit in the hallway and listen to him cry himself to sleep.  Now that he is older he will "talk" to himself or play with his animals in his bed.  Last night we put him in his bed around 8:30 and Matt went downstairs to watch TV and I caught up with the Kardashians.  Around 10:00 Matt and I were both ready to go to bed and I went to go cover Brody up and give him a kiss like I do every night.  I went in and went to cover him up and noticed he looked white…..he was NAKED!!!  Laying on his chest with his knees tucked under him and his little bare butt in the air!  I went in the kitchen and told Matt "Brody is naked!!"  He was like "what…."  I hysterically laughed A LOT… in the hell did that happen!?!?!  Apparently he just undressed himself and even took off his diaper like underwear and went to bed! 

Never a dull moment at our house!!


Ashley Mitchell said...

Priceless!!! That is so funny. I would have gotten pictures! G rated of course ;)

sblind2 said...

Thank god he didn't pee!!

Kim Luke said...

Bahahah! Did you get pictures?? I would have totally snapped a few for when he's older!! lol

sblind2 said...

he did it AGAIN last night!! We just read an article in our Parenting magazine that toddlers do it to state their independence....some kids do it in the grocery store!!

Emily Montgomery said...

I sure hope he keeps his clothes on in the grocery store...that would be embarrassing. LOL