Brody and Brooke

Brody and Brooke


"I Pee"

I must start out by saying........"I'm sorry, Brody for posting the below pictures of you on the toilet.  I'm just beyond excited"

So, has you probably saw on Facebook when I got home on Tuesday I saw this on Brody's daily sheet:

Here's how the conversation went in the kitchen:

Me: (when I saw the daily) gasp.....
Matt: I know I saw it
Me: OMG, Brody I'm soo soooo excited for you!!  ( had huge tears in my eyes)
Matt: why are you crying?
Me: well I just wanted to be there for the FIRST time he peed on the potty
Matt: I don't care who the hell potty trains him....I'm just sick of wiping his a** and cleaning up his sh*t
(WOW.....I have a sensitive one there, ladies!!)

So after supper we encouraged Brody to go was hilarious!! (again, sorry Brod)

"mommy out, daddy out.....i pee!!!
So he sat there and kept saying "i pee", but never did....then kept flushing the toilet which drove me crazy, but at least he was showing interest!! 

BUT......last night he DID pee!  Matt was changing him and he said "i pee" so we sat him on the toilet and he went!  He would stop then go again and say "more pee"  Matt and I were both so SO excited for him and did a little dance in the bathroom with him! 


Heather said...

Yay Brody!!!!!!!!!

Cassie said...

woooohoooooo, awesome!!!
ps - i can see josh saying the same thing! lol.

Meagan said...

Good job Brody!!! Now if only he keeps doing it!!