Brody and Brooke

Brody and Brooke


2012 USO Mud Run

Holla!!  It's Friday and it's not supposed to rain all weekend and be in the 90's - hello pool time!!

Last weekend my sister, our cousins Val & Chrissy and Val's friend Alanna did the USO Mud Run

I wasn't on board with this at the beginning, because let's face it I don't like to get dirty!  But the way I thought of it as....he's "mad made" mud holes so the mud is "clean", right?  PLUS, I've swam in the river on many occasions and Lord knows what's in that (insert gag sound).  So, I joined the team Muddy VESCA's V (val) E (emily) S (me) C (chrissy) A (alanna) I didn't come up with that Emma did, and it stuck!! The website suggested to "practice" running in muddy conditions which none of us did.  At the beginning we started running in grass anticipating what was around the corner....there was mud we had to run through then muddy water we had to crawl through and this muddy hill we had to climb and slide down towards then end there was steep hills, tires and hay bails we concurred.  You had to finish as a team and even tho the vowel's (Emily and Alanna) knees were bloody early on we finished strong hand in hand and all can't wait to do another one.  Here's a video I made last night with our pictures and video clips of our journey.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

That is awesome, Sarah!

It looked intense!

Great video!