Brody and Brooke

Brody and Brooke



I know I'm late on my Mommy Monday, but it was going to be about Easter anyways.....

So we get up on Sunday and give Brody his Easter basket (which wasn't anything really).  Him and I shared some Pez and had waffles with Nutella and strawberries on it. YUM!  We head to 10:00 mass....but it was really at 10:30! ugh, now what!?!?  We go by the Catholic Church and that service started at 9:00!  Oh well why not burn up some $4.00 per gallon gas and drive around. We haven't been as faithful at going to church as we should so we were both wonder how Brody would be.  Well let's just say he was good for the first half and when Matt went up for communion he's like "I'll meet you in the car"

Our first stop was at the Goetting's.  Brody has a great time chasing Macy with the golf caddy, but someone accidentally sat on his hand when it was time for all the great grandkids to sit in front of the fireplace.....
Someone sat on his hand......
Still pouting about getting his hand sat on
Next stop....Sparta!
Chloe couldn't wait to drive her Barbie Jeep around and Brody wanted to ride along.

Make sure you buckle him, Mom!

The ride was went great until then came around the house.....

I still wish I knew what Chloe did when he started screaming!!!

Finally a break in the weather to hunt eggs!!!

Still kind of clueless about the whole Egg Hunting....


Christine Pettijohn said...

Following from Cute family. I have a son and one on the way.

sblind2 said...

Thanks and congrats!! =)

Emily Montgomery said...

Looks like Brody was a cry baby on Easter....Bahahaha!!!