Brody and Brooke

Brody and Brooke


Being Thankful

I know that I take what I have for granted way too much.....I also know that I bitch about things not going my way WAY.TOO.MUCH (I pretty much know who's fault that is, but I won't call them out on it!)  This weekend really put some things into prospective for me.  Let's start with Saturday morning....I'm at the soccer fields grumbling about Brody not listening, pissing all over his stroller (not literally, that I'm sure will come soon enough) and just being a testing 2 year old when I notice a girl I went to High School with struggling with her down syndrome little boy. He's on the soccer team (so he's probably about 5 yrs old), but he could care less about what is going on and you could see the stress all over her face.  The kind of stress that I was going through will HOPEFULLY only last a few more years, but she'll face all kinds of stress raising a special needs child.  Then there was Saturday afternoon when we got the call about my cousin's situation......It took her and her husband a LONG time to get pregnant with her daughter-like 5 years long......she had a miscarriage between her first and second and now she was faced with having her child a month early with the unknown ahead of her.  I mean my whole pregnancy was a breeze and so was the delivery.  On to Sunday......As you know we went to IHOP for brunch.  When we were being seating I noticed that the table next to us had a girl (I'm guessing like in her teens) in a wheelchair and she was handicapped.  I'm not sure what was wrong with her, but she didn't talk and just stared.  I couldn't sit where I could see her and I kept kissing Brody's head thanking god that he was "normal".  I put normal in quotes because who really knows what the fuck normal is.....I sure the hell don't!  I just felt so guilty for being such a brat 97.5% of the time.  

On to my husband!  =)

I feel like bitch at him a lot and most days say this "You better pray I don't have time to blog today because it would be all about YOU"  it's're probably laughing, because I laugh too when I say that.  But he's not that bad: I mean....yes he doesn't fold the laundry and could care less if I bring his up or not (and yes there are many days that he goes downstairs to get dressed, because I went on "strike") he hates to plan ANYTHING , he doesn't think the house needs to be cleaned every week BUT......he makes supper & loads the dishwasher every night, has always changed diapers (I mean there may have been a paper, rock, scissors involved), he gets up with Brody, he never complains about me going to do stuff and him watching Brody.  So I guess I have it pretty good, at least I think so!!


Meagan said...

Great post, I needed this as a reminder...especially the husband part!! ;)

sblind2 said...


Kim Luke said...

yes, I couldn't agree more!

Matt sounds a lot like Dane!!

Thanks for the reminder that even on our worst days, things still aren't really that bad!!!!!

Nicole said...

Great post Sarah! My mom and I were talking the other day and she said something that really hit home. She said "I now pray to god and I thank him for what he has giving me and not for what I want" We really have to be thankful and satisfied for all of the great things we get in life. It could be a lot worse without even realizing it.

sblind2 said...

Thanks guys! I was actually a little nervous to post it....I drafted it last night and had to remind myself over and over and OVER again about it when Brody screamed the WHOLE time in Rural King last night!! =)

Ashley Mitchell said...

Amen! I have been telling myself this A LOT lately! We are all so lucky!

Cassie said...

Great post!! PTL for what you have. And LOVE that husband not all are that lucky!!

Jackie said...

Awesome post!....I would kill for just a night when I wouldn't have to cook or change a diaper....I think you have it pretty good!!!!